Message From The Pastor
Welcome to our website. We are so very thankful that you have taken the time to visit. We hope you find your experience here refreshing and enlightening. Whether you are single, a young family, a middle-aged couple, or an individual enjoying the golden years, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is here for your nurture and care.
At Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church we seek to serve our Lord by providing a warm and loving fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. You will have a refreshing and encouraging experience in worshipping the Lord in simplicity. The true worship of Christ is motivated by the grace of God and lifts the burdens while at the same time filling with joy.
The worship that God designed is intended to fill the hungry, strengthen the weak and bring rest to the weary. If you feel to be this way and the love of God is in your heart, then come rest and refresh yourself in the place God has provided for you – His church. Our family invites your family to come and worship with us.
May the Lord richly bless you is my prayer.
Elder Tim McCool, Pastor